Name * First Name Last Name Email * Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Phone Number * All volunteers must clear a LVMPD background check, are you willing and able? * Yes No All volunteers are required to complete Levy's on-line training courses (Orientation, Safety/Sanitation, COVID Protocols and Responsible Alcohol Service) are you willing and able? * Yes No All volunteers must possess or be able to obtain a valid Nevada Food Handler Card and TAM Card (Alcohol Awareness Card) are you willing and able? Yes No Events are generally 8 hours in total, with preparation beginning approximately 5 hours prior to event start time. Are you willing and able? Yes No All volunteers are required to wear uniform: Jaydas Heart logo t-shirt, black slacks and certified slip resistant shoes. Are you willing and able? Yes No By confirming I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless Jayda's Heart Foundation its affiliates, their directors, officers, successors, designs, organizers, sponsors and supervisors of all activities (parties) from any and all claim, loses, damages or liability in connection with any injury or claim I may have with respect to bodily injury, personal injury or property damages that may occur while I am providing volunteer services in connection with Jayda's Heart Foundation and its community partners. Furthermore, I understand that parties do not assume any responsibilities or obligation to provide me with financial assistance, including but not limited to medical, health or disability benefits in the event of an injury, illness or damage to my property. As a volunteer I expressly agree that this release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the state of Nevada. I also agree that in the event that any clause of this release is deemed invalid, the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this release shall now be affected. I grant and convey to Jayda's Heart Foundation all rights and interest of all photograph, images, video or audio recordings of me or my likeness made by Jayda's Heart Foundation or any of its community partners in connection with me providing volunteer services to Jayda's Heart Foundation or its community partners. * To acknowledge and agree, insert your legal name and date in the field below. (Format: First and Last Name Date: MM/DD/YYYY) Thank you!